Thursday, February 28, 2013

Want to be your own boss? Two great tips by Martha Stewart

“Being an entrepreneur is not easy, but it is exciting, fun, and amazingly interesting and challenging... being an entrepreneur requires a person to do more than just “go to work,” much more than just “do a job.” It requires eye’s in the back of one’s head; constant learning; curiosity; unflagging energy; good health, or at least a strong constitution that will ward off illness; and even the strength and desire to put up with sleep deprivation and long hours of intense concentration. To many, these characteristics might sound rather daunting, but among successful entrepreneurs, these are common traits.” 

“You should never try something that makes you uncomfortable or that you are ill prepared to undertake just because you think you may never get another chance. The chance will come. Prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and intellectually first, and you will be able to differentiate a long shot from a good, well-calculated risk. You will also become more aware that the world is full of interesting opportunities. Taking risks can make anyone feel uneasy, but if you are feeling deeply worried and have strong misgivings about an opportunity, let it go. Another opportunity will come your way.” - Martha Stewart (in her book The Martha Rules)

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