Sunday, February 10, 2013

3 steps to make your own Asian style mixed vegetables dish

We all enjoy Chinese food, but it can be very expensive here in Nigeria especially if your favourite restaurant has to import  not only the ingredients but also the cooks all the way from Asia.

Not to worry. Here's a simple Oriental (or Asian) style recipe that you can prepare without sweat, using 100% ingredients that you can get locally anywhere here in Nigeria. And you can cook this dish well within half an hour or less. (It took me longer than that because I had to take photos while cooking. L.O.L.)

Mixed vegetables can be served with your normal rice and stew.

1. Sliced onions
2. Sliced tomatoes
3. Shredded chicken breast
4. Prawns
5. Sliced carrots
6. Chopped carrots
7. Sliced green pepper

1. Heat the frying pan and add oil.
2. Add onions and cook until tender
3. Add tomatoes and cook until tender
4. Add shredded chicken.
5. Add prawns. 
6. Allow to boil (add a cup of water).

7. Add salt and other seasoning (Maggi Liquid Seasoning)
8. Allow to boil  (add half cup of water if it becomes too dry)
9. Add carrots and cook until carrots are half done.
10. Add cabbage. 11. Let it simmer 
12. Add green pepper

12 and 13 Allow the vegetables to cook and the liquid to dissolve.
14. Enjoy...

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