Tuesday, February 19, 2013

NIGERIAN WRITER: Nduka Otiono's odyssey as a scholar-writer in Canada

NDUKA OTIONO: Odyssey of Nigerian Scholar - Writer in Canada
Culled from www.thewillnigeria.com

SAN FRANCISCO, February 18, (THEWILL) - Nduka Otiono has found favour in the West. Less than a decade after he left Nigeria for academic pursuits, the fecundity of his literary scholarship has grown like duckweed. “I am comfortable working in that environment because of the infrastructure and the kind of support structure available for research, and writers and scholars; but home is exactly where the heart is,” his deep, mellifluous voice booms in a chat in a hotel suite in mainland Lagos, on the eve of his departure from Nigeria after a brief visit.
He is on this trip from Accra, Ghana, as part of an ongoing postdoctoral cultural research. But he can’t but look in where the muse is. “Nigeria is like a cultural laboratory for me,” a smile flits across his face. “Where my material is, is where I am very much at home,” he adds with a feel-good swagger. (Click here to continue reading...) 

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