Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Meet Fred Apugo, upcoming musician and record label owner

In Conversation with Fred Apugo
- by Onyeka Nwelue

He likes to chill. He likes to piss me off, because he is my ‘little’ friend, who prefers to call me brother. He is bigger than that. Fred Apugo has a Bachelors and a Master’s from a University in the UK. He is actually very passionate about music and he wants to run a music empire, that will groom new voices and showcase them to the world. He returned from his base in the Portsmouth and we met up in Abuja recently over drinks to talk about his career and the future of Nigerian music industry.

I am very age conscious, how old are you?
My age doesn’t matter, does it? In Nigeria, we place far too much value on a person’s age. I’m young though. I’m not saying anything more. (Laughing)

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