Friday, February 22, 2013

Fourteen things successful people do on weekends?

6 Habits of Remarkably Likeable People
They're charming. They're genuine. And they can make an entire room full of people smile.
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Before You Launch Your Business Idea
How do you get a company started? Take these tips from Scott Gerber, founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council, and Alexandra Wilkis Wilson, founder of Gilt Groupe.
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Retire Rich: The Forbes 2013 Antiretirement Guide
Conventional retirement is rapidly going the way of the Oldsmobile and Saturday mail delivery. Hardly anyone working today envisions themselves eking out their final years living on a fixed pension in a sunshine state. Indeed, the coming generation isn’t really planning on retiring at all–they expect to keep traveling, saving and giving back well into their eighth and ninth decades. Call it antiretirement....
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14 Things Successful People Do On Weekends
Spencer Rascoff is only 37. Yet, the Harvard grad and father of three has already accomplished so much.
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