Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tens of thousands attend Pope's final audience

Culled from Yahoo News (Photo by L Osservatore Romano, ho)

One of the hottest news recently was the resignation of Pope Benedict, an event that has not been witnessed in the last 600 years, fuelling conflicting reports and speculations from observers, news reporters, analysts and individuals. The 85-year pontiff has said his resignation was due to advance age, but others say it was due to the scandals pertaining to sex abuse by priests in the Catholic church as well as leaked documents and  rivalry in the Vatican. In spite of all that, tens of thousands of cheering pilgrims attended his last public appearance on Feb 27 in Rome. Yahoo News reports: "Thank you, I am very moved," Benedict told a cheering crowd of more than 150,000 people in St Peter's Square a day before he becomes the first pope to step down in some six centuries."  Follow the story HERE

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