Sunday, March 3, 2013

I just don't think about that stuff, says Michelle Obama

American first lady Michelle Obama's appearance (through a video) at the last Oscar Awards to announce the winner of Best Picture reportedly sparked a lot of criticism from Americans. Tweets, emails, FB status and comments have been flying! And what does the first lady say all about all that? DARLENE SUPERVILLE of Huffingtonpost reports:
"I just don't think about that stuff," said Mrs. Obama, who was asked for her reaction to the criticism during an interview with a small group of reporters who were invited to accompany her on a three-city tour marking the third anniversary of her "Let's Move" campaign against childhood obesity.  
She said she was astounded by the buzz about cutting her hair to add bangs, which she unveiled on her birthday, just before inauguration weekend.
Continue reading Darlene Superville's report HERE.

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