Sunday, October 21, 2012

Madrid is the European capital geographically nearest to Abuja - Spanish Ambassador

His Excellency Álvaro Castillo Aguilar,
Ambassador of Spain, being interviewed by
 the press during the 7th Spanish Cultural Week.
Photo by Araceli Aipoh
His Excellency Álvaro Castillo Aguilar, Ambassador of Spain, on the occasion of the Spanish National Day, on October 11, 2012, at the Ambassador's Residence in Maitama, Abuja

"It is a great honour and it gives me particular pleasure to express my gratitude for your presence here today, commemorating with us the 520th Anniversary of our National Day, October 12th, 1492. 

"Even if Spain is an old Nation with a long History, it is not a country that looks to the past. On the contrary, it is a modern and dynamic democracy, which has successfully managed her History to forge, for all and by all, a legal framework which has provided a long period of peace, prosperity and stability in liberty, as well as a recognition of our own linguistic and cultural diversity. 

"The Spanish economy, ranked among the 12 biggest of the World, has not been immune to the worst financial and economic crisis to afflict the Planet in the past 70 years, and has been severely affected in its long growth cycle. 

 His Excellency Álvaro Castillo Aguilar, 6th from left, Ambassador of Spain to Nigeria, raise a toast
on the occasion of the Spanish National Day, on October 11, 2011,
at the Ambassador's Residence in Maitama, Abuja
"To face up to these difficulties and return to the path of economic growth, Spain has established a complete agenda for economic reforms, austerity measures and financial stability. These measures call for a great deal of sacrifice on the part of the more than 42 million Spaniards and more than 5 million foreigners who have come to live in Spain in search of a better life, but we are certain that in the near future, our country will once more grow and generate employment. 

"In fact, there is already some good news: Spain has risen by six places in the global competitiveness index in 2011, and the Spanish exports have increased by 17% in the first six months of 2012. 

"Some other facts about the reality of the Spanish economy, which have been recently ignored by the international media. (CLICK Read more below to continue...)

"Spain is a leading country in the area of infrastructure. Seven out of the 10 biggest world facility management companies of this sector are Spanish. Spain has the second largest network of high speed trains in the World, or the third largest in high capacity express ways. 

"She occupies a preeminent position in the development of renewable energy and water treatment, in the automobile, pharmaceutical, food, banking and telecommunications industries, in sports, in gastronomy or in tourism, with 57 million visitors projected for 2012. 

"The largest fashion distribution group in the world is Spanish, as well as the largest international telephone service operator in terms of subscribers. The best international bank in 2012, according to Euromoney, is Spanish. As for January 1st 2013, all the aspirins produced in the whole world, regardless of the brand, will be made in Spain. According to different sources, at least 3 out of the 10 best restaurants of the world are in Spain. 

"Spain is also a country of solidarity, with the highest rate of organ donors in the whole world. Besides, despite the crisis, we do not forget our commitment in the fight against hunger and poverty, Sustainable Development, Human Rights, Gender Equality or Climate Change, disbursing as much as €4.2 billion in 2011 in official Development Aid. 

"Spain, a proud and active member of the European Union, is a country clearly European, Mediterranean and Atlantic by nature and history, but has also a vocation of global reach, maintaining relations of collaboration with whole the International community. 

"Spain is, besides, the natural bridge between Europe and Africa: the Iberian Peninsula is only 14 kilometres from the African coast, and Madrid is the European capital geographically nearest to Abuja. 

"Your Excellencies, 

"It is in that context of friendship, nearness, and mutual respect that the relations between Nigeria and Spain are developed, relations which have now lasted 52 years. 

"Indeed, just one month after the declaration of independence of Nigeria, Spain opened her Embassy in Lagos, and since then, our two countries have been widening their knowledge of each other and strengthening their co-operation. 

"In the last years, our economic and trade relations have increasingly acquired importance. In 2011, 19% of the gas and 13% of the petroleum consumed in Spain came from Nigeria. This presence of Nigerian hidrocarbons in our country keeps increasing. In the first six months of 2012, Nigeria was the first provider of petroleum in Spain, above any other country, with a market share of 16%. For that reason, once more in 2012, it is foreseen that Spain becomes Nigeria´s third or fourth largest trade partner. 

"The interest of the Spanish business community is steadily growing in the potential and enormous possibilities Nigeria offers, showing confidence in this great country with investments that would be mutually beneficial. Every year, the number of Spanish companies establishing in Nigeria increases, likewise the volumen of investments and exports coming from Spain, which in 2011 had an increase of 7% over the previous year. 

"This high level of understanding between our two countries is also reflected in the warm welcome we Spaniards receive in Nigeria, as well as in the hospitality Spain has provided for the more than 50,000 Nigerians who live and work in our country. 

"Your Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, 

"The Embassy of Spain also maintains a privileged relationship with ECOWAS, an organisation considered a priority for our foreign policy in Africa. 

"Specifically, Spain´s principal forms of co-operation consist of grants to the sectors of agriculture and food security, infrastructure and renewable energy. Besides, Spain and ECOWAS have jointly established a Migration and Development Fund, the third meeting of which Steering Committee took place in Madrid in 2012, with the attendance of three of the ECOWAS Commissioners. 

"Your Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, 

"Spain is a generous and hospitable country, and we Spaniards like to share joy and good times. 

"For that reason, 12th October is not the National Day of Spain alone. It also is a day of celebration for the more than 20 Spanish-speaking countries all over the world, who commemorate with us the Day of the Hispanic Heritage, which reflects the richness and variety of the Spanish-speaking community, comprising almost 500 million people. 

"Señoras y Señores, kindly permit me to end this speech with a few words in my language, not because Spanish is the second language of the world in terms of native speakers after Chinese, or the second international language after English, but in order to salute the Spanish community, which celebrates its National Day. 

"Queridos compatriotas, queridos Españoles y Españolas: 

"Celebramos hoy, un año más, la Fiesta Nacional de España, el día en que los españoles en Nigeria nos reunimos en esta Residencia de la Embajada, la casa de todos, para recordar con alegría a nuestro país, para encontrarnos con viejos y nuevos amigos de todos los rincones de España, de Nigeria y de muchos otros lugares, para disfrutar de nuestro vino, de nuestra gastronomía, de nuestra cultura, de nuestra música, de nuestro baile y de nuestro idioma común. 

"Habéis llegado a esta generosa tierra africana por múltiples motivos: para trabajar en la empresa privada, en las instituciones españolas o de la Unión Europea, en la cooperación, en la docencia, en la labor pastoral o por razones familiares. 

"Todos sois Embajadores de nuestro país y contribuís a la amistad y al entendimiento entre España y Nigeria. Sabéis representar, me consta personalmente, las mejores características de los españoles: un pueblo activo y dinámico, moderno y tolerante, solidario y generoso, alegre y amante de las cosas buenas de la vida. 

"Sabremos superar las dificultades. Exportando, incorporando talento, innovación, cultura y esa manera de ser especial que tenemos los españoles. Estamos de pie, sabemos caminar como los mejores y, por supuesto, unidos lo lograremos. 

"Thank you very much, muchas gracias. 

"Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Excellencies, 

"I will not waste more of your time and I leave you to enjoy Spanish hospitality, and a brief Flamenco performance by Alejandra Gudí and the Anabel Veloso Dance Group. It is just an aperitif of the representation which will take place tomorrow at 7:00 pm at the Congress Hall of the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, and to which you are all cordially invited.

"But before the performance, please, I would like to raise my glass with you and propose a toast to the prosperity and friendship of Nigeria and of Spain, and to the health and happiness of all of you. 

"Long Live Nigeria! 

"¡Viva España, Viva el Rey! "

Álvaro Castillo Aguilar
Ambassador of Spain, Abuja
October 11, 2012

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