Monday, October 1, 2012

Is it goodbye? A letter from the temporary committee of the Abuja International Women's Club

Dear ladies,

First, we would like to thank the few ladies that joined on Thursday and made the opening event a nice one.

Moreover, kindly note that unfortunately nobody came forward to keep the club active by forming a new committee. That's why, we have to announce with great regret that the club has to discontinue as the current committee, which was only a temporary one, is not able to carry on.

We still have great hope, despite all, that there will be someone to come forward and save Abuja International Women Club before the last Goodbye lunch which the temporary committee is organizing on Thursday October 11th at Spice Foods. Otherwise, it will sadly be the last activity!

The cost will be 3,000N per person. Hope to see you all there!

Regards and Farewell,
The Temporary Committee

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