Wednesday, October 31, 2012

INVITATION to an exhibition of painting and sculpture, on 6th November, in Abuja

Santi is a Hausa word which connotes a situation whereby someone gets carried away and makes an involuntary comment or statement. The idea of Santi becomes apt in art because of the tendency for people to be held spell bound during an exhibition like this that displays a variety of forms and expression.
The four artists that are exhibiting come from the same background but, with varied experiences. These experiences are manifested in the variety of works that will be on display during the exhibition. It is noteworthy, at this point, to know that the first Santi exhibition by the same group of artists took place in Lagos at the Terra Kulture Gallery, in November 2010 (i.e. exactly two years ago). Hence, this one is christened Another Santi.

The exhibition is being curated by Dr. G. Gambo, a critic and historian from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

The composition of the artists for this “Santi” exhibition is such that, by the artist’s personalities and professional callings, they will likely evoke a “Santi”. This is for a number of reasons; i) They all graduated from the same Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria; ii) They are professionals to the core and; iii), they represent different genres and perspective of art. The artists are: Jari Jacob; Muyideen Adio Jaji, Kefas Danjuma and Lasisi Lamidi.

Sir, Jari is a professor of art, who recently has been exploring with discarded pages of magazines and fabric off-cuts. He prefers that viewers of his work should engage themselves with the work. Danjuma on the other hand, respond to the human experiences around him, as manifested mostly, in faces. He considers humans as the most important form that God created and therefore, available for exploration. His paintings are done with traditional painting media. These two artists are the painters in the group.

Jaji and Lasisi are the group’s sculptors. However, Lasisi paints as much as he sculpts. He combines sculpture sometimes with painting in an innovation that exhibit canvas clad sculptures. His passion for found-objects has inspired a lots of his sculpture creations. Jaji on his part is a realist. He mostly distorts and elongate/ exaggerate his figures, largely to emphasize the message. He works mostly on conventional sculpture materials.

It is our hope that, with this brief introduction, you will honour us, by accepting to play a vital role in this exhibition. We will be pleased to formally introduce you to the artists during the exhibition.

Thank you.
Dr. Duniya Gambo

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