Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day Two: 7th Spanish Cultural Week, award ceremony of the visual arts competition

The 7th Spanish Cultural Week being organised by the Embassy of Spain  entered into its second day yesterday at the Kaduna Mezzanine Floor of the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, with the awarding of prizes to the winners of a visual arts competition themed SHARING A COMMON HERITAGE. The competition, cum art exhibition, was organised by the Spanish Embassy in collaboration with the National Gallery of Art.

Winners of the competition:
1st Prize - Ibukun Samuel Sondea, for his panting entitled ARA
2nd Prize - Mosdestus Chuks Ukeoma for his work AGONY OF THE MINERS
3rd Prize - Augustina Adebowale for his her work WATCH AND LEARN

The Honourable Minister of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation graced the occasion and presented the grand prize (which includes a trip to Madrid, Spain)  to the winner, Ibukun Samuel Sondea.

TOP PHOTO: The Honourable Minister of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation with
H.E. Ambassador Alvaro Castillo Aguilar. LEFT: The 2nd prize winner receives his
prize. RIGHT: 1st prize winner.

TOP: The 1st prize winner with the Honourable Minister and Spanish Ambassador.
LEFT: The winner with Eva Barta and Mara Simoni of the
 Embassy of Spain (first and second from left) with another guest.
RIGHT: Eva Barta (Cultural Officer, Embassy of Spain) congratulates the winner.

TOP: Ambassador Aguilar being interviewed by the press.
LEFT: The Honourable Minister and the Ambassador with the press.
RIGHT: The organisers and guests.

A cross section of the the guests

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