Wednesday, October 31, 2012

INVITATION to an exhibition of painting and sculpture, on 6th November, in Abuja

Santi is a Hausa word which connotes a situation whereby someone gets carried away and makes an involuntary comment or statement. The idea of Santi becomes apt in art because of the tendency for people to be held spell bound during an exhibition like this that displays a variety of forms and expression.
The four artists that are exhibiting come from the same background but, with varied experiences. These experiences are manifested in the variety of works that will be on display during the exhibition. It is noteworthy, at this point, to know that the first Santi exhibition by the same group of artists took place in Lagos at the Terra Kulture Gallery, in November 2010 (i.e. exactly two years ago). Hence, this one is christened Another Santi.

The exhibition is being curated by Dr. G. Gambo, a critic and historian from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

The composition of the artists for this “Santi” exhibition is such that, by the artist’s personalities and professional callings, they will likely evoke a “Santi”. This is for a number of reasons; i) They all graduated from the same Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria; ii) They are professionals to the core and; iii), they represent different genres and perspective of art. The artists are: Jari Jacob; Muyideen Adio Jaji, Kefas Danjuma and Lasisi Lamidi.

Sir, Jari is a professor of art, who recently has been exploring with discarded pages of magazines and fabric off-cuts. He prefers that viewers of his work should engage themselves with the work. Danjuma on the other hand, respond to the human experiences around him, as manifested mostly, in faces. He considers humans as the most important form that God created and therefore, available for exploration. His paintings are done with traditional painting media. These two artists are the painters in the group.

Jaji and Lasisi are the group’s sculptors. However, Lasisi paints as much as he sculpts. He combines sculpture sometimes with painting in an innovation that exhibit canvas clad sculptures. His passion for found-objects has inspired a lots of his sculpture creations. Jaji on his part is a realist. He mostly distorts and elongate/ exaggerate his figures, largely to emphasize the message. He works mostly on conventional sculpture materials.

It is our hope that, with this brief introduction, you will honour us, by accepting to play a vital role in this exhibition. We will be pleased to formally introduce you to the artists during the exhibition.

Thank you.
Dr. Duniya Gambo

You may email, tweet, post this information on your Facebook wall by clicking on the icons below.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

TONIGHT - at the National Women Development Centre, Abuja

Arojah Royal Theatre Presents Zulu Sofola's THE WIZARD OF LAW in honour of the CJN Hon. Justice Aloma Mukhtar. Wednesday,  31st October at  6pm prompt at the National Women Development Centre, Abuja. Gate Fee: N5000 (VIP), N2000 (Popular). Spread the news and bring a friend to the theatre! Box Office: 0818 200 5597.

Monday, October 29, 2012

PHOTOS: White Cane Day 2012 - FCT School for the Blind, Abuja

BY Chika Mefor
(Culled from Leadership Newspaper, October 24, 2012)
The 2012 White Cane Day was celebrated (on October 20, 2012) in great style in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) School for the Blind, Jabi. The White Cane Day is observed in many parts of the world to celebrate the achievement of people who are blind and visually impaired and the important symbol of blindness and tool of independence which is the white cane.
The event which involved a bazaar, a raffle draw and and a food fair was made possible by the Nigerwives Nigeria, Abuja Branch. The Nigerwives is an association of foreigner married to Nigerians. According to the president of the organization, Elisabeth Pasztor-Bada, the association has decided to celebrate the event with the visually impaired every year so as to give them a sense of belonging. 
“It is all about recognizing the blind and the impaired. It is all about finding their way about with the white cane that represents them. We have been celebrating with the School for the Blind every single year, since 2006. We usually organize the bazaar and the fund raising for them,” she said. 
Pasztor Bada stated that the association, apart from celebrating every year with the blind and visually impaired, has also conducted reading classes for the students every Saturday to make them improve in their learning, adding that the association donates Braille books to the school to help in their education. 
“We have adopted them. We want to bring publicity to the need of the blind and visually impaired. They have special needs, they achieve a lot. At the same time, they special education and they need Braille books. Our Braille book production centre in Lagos issue Braille books to them. Last year, we also organized a computer centre for them,” she added. 
Expressing her appreciation to the association, the Head Teacher of the school, Regina Dum, said the association has always been there for the school adding that they have provided Braille books, uniforms and sandals to the students. 
“They have also equipped the computer lab with six computers. They have trained our teachers on how to use them. During the last vacation, they trained students from both here and Kwali,” noting that since the inception of the school, the government celebrated this special day with them only once in 2008 adding that the Nigerwives have celebrated this special day with them consecutively for the past six years. 
Dum who discloses that most of her students arrive at the school not knowing how to speak the English language, stated that her students have improved a great deal in their reading because of the help of the Nigerwives who come every Saturday to teach them. 
“They have been doing this alone. The teachers are quite happy. The students are happy too. Nigerwives makes them feel loved and gives them a sense of belonging,” she noted. 
The event which ended with a raffle draw, had the Australian High Commissioner Ian McConville thrilling the students and guest with some music. He said: “I am proud to be associated with the Nigerwives as they support the School for the Blind. Blind and partially impaired persons are special people who understand the beauty of music a great deal. So we have brought music to share with them.” 
A team from the Japanese Embassy led by Michiaki Hatakenakaw as also there to thrill the kids with water balloon game.

You can email, tweet, post this information on your Facebook wall by clicking on the icons below.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mixed invites - to events in Abuja, Lagos, and Uyo

You are invited to a Book Presentation on October 23rd, 2012, 3pm, at the Goethe Insitut Lagos, City Hall, 30 Catholic Mission Street, Lagos island. Free Entry!

Edited by Obiora Udechukwu and Chika Okeke-Agulu, this Festschrift in honour of Demas Nwoko will be presented at Goethe-Institut Nigeria by Obiora Udechukwu. It is an unprecedented compilation of essays by important art critics, historians, artists, writers and scholars on the work of Demas Nwoko, the influential Nigerian artist, architect, designer and politician, and on Nigerian art, architecture and art administration.

You are invited to a book reading by Chuma Nwokolo, who will read from his new anthology, The Ghost of Pharaohs Past, set in the 
promising aftermath of military dictatorship - 26 stories from Accra to Waterside, from rotting whales to clever waves. DATE: Saturday, October 27, 2012 at 3pm. VENUE: Quintessence Falomo, Lagos. Free entry. 

The 2011/13 Executive Council of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) cordially invites all writers and stakeholders in Nigerian writing to its 2012 International Convention holding at Uyo, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria, on 8th to 12th November, at the Ibom Hall, IBB Way, Uyo. THEME: Nigerian Literature, Social Media and Security. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Professor Pius Adesanmi of Carlton University, Canada.

The Wizard of Law is a satire about an old lawyer, Ramoni, who tries to impress his wife during a festive period by purchasing nine metres of lace material on credit at a time he is penniless. The cloth seller, Rafiu, takes advantage of this opportunity to inflate the prices of clothes in order to make a heavy gain. Unable to pay the debt, Ramoni gets into more trouble and desperately looks for a court case through which he could raise the money to pay his debt.

DATE: Wednesday 31st October, 2012
TIME: 12 noon (Matinee), 6pm Command Performance
VENUE: National Centre for Women Development, Abuja
GATE FEE: VIP - N5000, Popular - N2000, Martinee - N1000

Tickets for 'The Wizard of Law' are now available @ the following venue from 10am to 4pm daily.

The Korean Cultural Centre, 2nd Floor, Rivers Plaza,
Ralph Shodeinde Street, Central Business District
Opp. Federal Ministry of Finance, Abuja.

The Booksellers Limited,
Ground Floor, City Plaza
Ahmadu Bello Way, Garki II

Club Cubana
Plot 173 Adetokumbo Ademola (Opposite Immaculate Suite)
Wuse 2, Abuja

The Booksellers Limited (Abuja Branch) would like to invite you for its reduced price book sale to celebrate Nigeria’s 52nd Independence Anniversary. They have a rich collection of books in the following categories: Autobiography/Biography, Business, Children, Cooking/Food, Development, Fiction, History, Leadership, Law, Politics, Philosophy Religion and many more. The good news is that many of the books are being sold at reduced prices for the duration of this sale. What are you waiting for? Hurry while stocks last! Everyone’s shelf looks good with books on it. Everyone’s life is enriched by great books. Address: Ground Floor, City Plaza, (Opposite Biobak Restaurant), Rubuka Close, Off Nkwere Street, Off Ahmadu Bello Way, Garki II, Abuja.

Date: October 2 2012 – October 31 2012
Time: 9am – 5pm (Monday – Saturday)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Madrid is the European capital geographically nearest to Abuja - Spanish Ambassador

His Excellency Álvaro Castillo Aguilar,
Ambassador of Spain, being interviewed by
 the press during the 7th Spanish Cultural Week.
Photo by Araceli Aipoh
His Excellency Álvaro Castillo Aguilar, Ambassador of Spain, on the occasion of the Spanish National Day, on October 11, 2012, at the Ambassador's Residence in Maitama, Abuja

"It is a great honour and it gives me particular pleasure to express my gratitude for your presence here today, commemorating with us the 520th Anniversary of our National Day, October 12th, 1492. 

"Even if Spain is an old Nation with a long History, it is not a country that looks to the past. On the contrary, it is a modern and dynamic democracy, which has successfully managed her History to forge, for all and by all, a legal framework which has provided a long period of peace, prosperity and stability in liberty, as well as a recognition of our own linguistic and cultural diversity. 

"The Spanish economy, ranked among the 12 biggest of the World, has not been immune to the worst financial and economic crisis to afflict the Planet in the past 70 years, and has been severely affected in its long growth cycle. 

 His Excellency Álvaro Castillo Aguilar, 6th from left, Ambassador of Spain to Nigeria, raise a toast
on the occasion of the Spanish National Day, on October 11, 2011,
at the Ambassador's Residence in Maitama, Abuja
"To face up to these difficulties and return to the path of economic growth, Spain has established a complete agenda for economic reforms, austerity measures and financial stability. These measures call for a great deal of sacrifice on the part of the more than 42 million Spaniards and more than 5 million foreigners who have come to live in Spain in search of a better life, but we are certain that in the near future, our country will once more grow and generate employment. 

"In fact, there is already some good news: Spain has risen by six places in the global competitiveness index in 2011, and the Spanish exports have increased by 17% in the first six months of 2012. 

"Some other facts about the reality of the Spanish economy, which have been recently ignored by the international media. (CLICK Read more below to continue...)

"Spain is a leading country in the area of infrastructure. Seven out of the 10 biggest world facility management companies of this sector are Spanish. Spain has the second largest network of high speed trains in the World, or the third largest in high capacity express ways. 

"She occupies a preeminent position in the development of renewable energy and water treatment, in the automobile, pharmaceutical, food, banking and telecommunications industries, in sports, in gastronomy or in tourism, with 57 million visitors projected for 2012. 

"The largest fashion distribution group in the world is Spanish, as well as the largest international telephone service operator in terms of subscribers. The best international bank in 2012, according to Euromoney, is Spanish. As for January 1st 2013, all the aspirins produced in the whole world, regardless of the brand, will be made in Spain. According to different sources, at least 3 out of the 10 best restaurants of the world are in Spain. 

"Spain is also a country of solidarity, with the highest rate of organ donors in the whole world. Besides, despite the crisis, we do not forget our commitment in the fight against hunger and poverty, Sustainable Development, Human Rights, Gender Equality or Climate Change, disbursing as much as €4.2 billion in 2011 in official Development Aid. 

"Spain, a proud and active member of the European Union, is a country clearly European, Mediterranean and Atlantic by nature and history, but has also a vocation of global reach, maintaining relations of collaboration with whole the International community. 

"Spain is, besides, the natural bridge between Europe and Africa: the Iberian Peninsula is only 14 kilometres from the African coast, and Madrid is the European capital geographically nearest to Abuja. 

"Your Excellencies, 

"It is in that context of friendship, nearness, and mutual respect that the relations between Nigeria and Spain are developed, relations which have now lasted 52 years. 

"Indeed, just one month after the declaration of independence of Nigeria, Spain opened her Embassy in Lagos, and since then, our two countries have been widening their knowledge of each other and strengthening their co-operation. 

"In the last years, our economic and trade relations have increasingly acquired importance. In 2011, 19% of the gas and 13% of the petroleum consumed in Spain came from Nigeria. This presence of Nigerian hidrocarbons in our country keeps increasing. In the first six months of 2012, Nigeria was the first provider of petroleum in Spain, above any other country, with a market share of 16%. For that reason, once more in 2012, it is foreseen that Spain becomes Nigeria´s third or fourth largest trade partner. 

"The interest of the Spanish business community is steadily growing in the potential and enormous possibilities Nigeria offers, showing confidence in this great country with investments that would be mutually beneficial. Every year, the number of Spanish companies establishing in Nigeria increases, likewise the volumen of investments and exports coming from Spain, which in 2011 had an increase of 7% over the previous year. 

"This high level of understanding between our two countries is also reflected in the warm welcome we Spaniards receive in Nigeria, as well as in the hospitality Spain has provided for the more than 50,000 Nigerians who live and work in our country. 

"Your Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, 

"The Embassy of Spain also maintains a privileged relationship with ECOWAS, an organisation considered a priority for our foreign policy in Africa. 

"Specifically, Spain´s principal forms of co-operation consist of grants to the sectors of agriculture and food security, infrastructure and renewable energy. Besides, Spain and ECOWAS have jointly established a Migration and Development Fund, the third meeting of which Steering Committee took place in Madrid in 2012, with the attendance of three of the ECOWAS Commissioners. 

"Your Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, 

"Spain is a generous and hospitable country, and we Spaniards like to share joy and good times. 

"For that reason, 12th October is not the National Day of Spain alone. It also is a day of celebration for the more than 20 Spanish-speaking countries all over the world, who commemorate with us the Day of the Hispanic Heritage, which reflects the richness and variety of the Spanish-speaking community, comprising almost 500 million people. 

"Señoras y Señores, kindly permit me to end this speech with a few words in my language, not because Spanish is the second language of the world in terms of native speakers after Chinese, or the second international language after English, but in order to salute the Spanish community, which celebrates its National Day. 

"Queridos compatriotas, queridos Españoles y Españolas: 

"Celebramos hoy, un año más, la Fiesta Nacional de España, el día en que los españoles en Nigeria nos reunimos en esta Residencia de la Embajada, la casa de todos, para recordar con alegría a nuestro país, para encontrarnos con viejos y nuevos amigos de todos los rincones de España, de Nigeria y de muchos otros lugares, para disfrutar de nuestro vino, de nuestra gastronomía, de nuestra cultura, de nuestra música, de nuestro baile y de nuestro idioma común. 

"Habéis llegado a esta generosa tierra africana por múltiples motivos: para trabajar en la empresa privada, en las instituciones españolas o de la Unión Europea, en la cooperación, en la docencia, en la labor pastoral o por razones familiares. 

"Todos sois Embajadores de nuestro país y contribuís a la amistad y al entendimiento entre España y Nigeria. Sabéis representar, me consta personalmente, las mejores características de los españoles: un pueblo activo y dinámico, moderno y tolerante, solidario y generoso, alegre y amante de las cosas buenas de la vida. 

"Sabremos superar las dificultades. Exportando, incorporando talento, innovación, cultura y esa manera de ser especial que tenemos los españoles. Estamos de pie, sabemos caminar como los mejores y, por supuesto, unidos lo lograremos. 

"Thank you very much, muchas gracias. 

"Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Excellencies, 

"I will not waste more of your time and I leave you to enjoy Spanish hospitality, and a brief Flamenco performance by Alejandra Gudí and the Anabel Veloso Dance Group. It is just an aperitif of the representation which will take place tomorrow at 7:00 pm at the Congress Hall of the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, and to which you are all cordially invited.

"But before the performance, please, I would like to raise my glass with you and propose a toast to the prosperity and friendship of Nigeria and of Spain, and to the health and happiness of all of you. 

"Long Live Nigeria! 

"¡Viva España, Viva el Rey! "

Álvaro Castillo Aguilar
Ambassador of Spain, Abuja
October 11, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

German Film Festival to hold in Abuja on Oct 22-26 at the Silverbird Entertainment Centre

A German Film Festival is taking place at the Silverbird Entertainment Centre starting Monday, 22nd October 2012, and lasting for a week. Every day at 7:00PM, one film will be shown to the public FREE of charge. Below is a list of the films, but you can also visit the GERMAN EMBASSY WEBSITE IN ABUJA for a synopsis of each film:

DATE: Monday, October 22, 2012
TITLE: Almanya
TIME: 7:00PM
VENUE: Silverbird Entertainment Centre

DATE: Tuesday, October 23, 2012
TITLE: Grave Decisions (Wer Früher stirbt is länger tot)
TIME: 7:00PM
VENUE: Silverbird Entertainment Centre

DATE: Wednesday, October 24, 2012
TITLE: Run if You Can (Renn Wenn Du Kannst)
TIME: 7:00PM
VENUE: Silverbird Entertainment Centre

DATE: Thursday, October 25, 2012
TITLE: Soul Kitchen
TIME: 7:00 PM
VENUE: Silverbird Entertainment Centre

DATE: Friday, October 26, 2012
TITLE: Play Time – Be Who You Want to Be (So glücklich War ich nock nie)
TIME: 7:00PM
VENUE: Silverbird Entertainment Centre

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Nigerwives in Abuja to celebrate WHITE CANE DAY with a bazaar, raffle draw and food fair

The Abuja branch of Nigerwives Nigeria (NW) would like to invite you to the FCT School for the Blind  on 20th October 2012, to mark this year’s WHITE CANE DAY. Events include a bazaar, a raffle draw, and an international food fair. Come and show your support to the students of the School for the Blind. Time: from 11am onwards. Venue: FCT School for the Blind, No. 15 Audu Ogbeh Street, off Mike Akhigbe Way, Jabi, Abuja.

White Cane Day is observed in many parts of the world “to celebrate the achievements of people who are blind or visually impaired and the important symbol of blindness and tool of independence, the white cane.” 

Nigerwives Nigeria (NW) is an association of foreign women married to Nigerian citizens. It was registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission in 1987and has branches in many parts of the country. Among its aims and objectives are: a) to work for the smooth integration of foreign wives of Nigerian citizens into the Nigerian society; b) to work towards improved status of women in general and to support women’s organisations working towards this goal, and c) to offer a forum for exchange of views and experiences and give moral and practical support in time of need. Nigerwives Abuja Branch has adopted the FCT School for the Blind as their main community project since 2005, providing Braille textbooks produced at the Nigerwives Braille Book Production Centre in Lagos, organizing regular readings and computer lessons, and paying tuition fees for several blind students who are enrolled in higher institutions.
Members of the Abuja branch of Nigerwives, representing more than 25 countries worldwide, meet every last Sunday of the month. Those who are interested in joining the association can contact them at:

Click here for photos of last year’s WHITE CANE DAY BAZAAR AND FOOD FAIR.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nigerian TV icon, Eugenia Abu, turns 50

Wife, mother, TV personality, author, philanthropist, mentor, friend... Eugenia Abu turns 50. A series of activities to mark this milestone in her life has been announced.

LITERARY DAY: Thur. 18th oct. - A discussion panel on the writings of Eugenia Abu to be anchored by Ashoka fellow and ALS Slam Master Ken Ike Okere, Date: 18th of October 2012, Time: 4pm-6pm, Venue: FCT Archives, behind AGIS, opposite NTA, Area 11, Garki

PHOTO EXHIBITION: “GRATITUDE" - the life and art of Eugenia Abu,” a four day photo exhibition of interesting moments in the life and career of the award winning broadcaster. In her long and rewarding career in the media Eugenia has continued to bring verve and professionalism to the fore, never once forgetting her family whom she describes as “the anchor” for whatever successes she has achieved. The exhibition would be declared open by Senate Majority Leader Senator Victor Ndomaegba. It will formally open to the general public on the 18th of October and over 100 school children are expected to visit. The venue of the exhibition is the FCT Archives behind Agis, opposite NTA Area 11 Abuja.

PUBLIC LECTURE: A Public Lecture in honour of Mrs Eugenia Abu would hold at the Shehu Musa Yaradua Centre on the 19th of October at 9.30 am. The lecture titled “Being the best that you can be” will be delivered by the Attorney General and Minister of Justice of the federation, Honourable Mohammed Bello Adoke. The lecture will be chaired by respected academic, Professor Ralph Akinfeleye, Head of Department of Mass Communication, University of Lagos. Other speakers that would be part of Eugenia Abu’s fiftieth birthday celebration include the Central Bank Governor, Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi and H.E Enrique Fernando Arrundell, Ambassador to the Bolivarian republic of Venezuela.

WOMEN’S DAY: A discussion on women and well- being and a paper to be delivered by the celebrant on “How to look after oneself in spite of a busy schedule.” There would be well-being experts and Doctors to answer women’s questions. There would also be a master class on how to tie Gele. Date: 19th October 2012.  Time: 2.30-5.30pm. Venue: FCT Archives. 

COMEDY DAY: A two hour comedy stretch by some of Abuja’s finest comedians titled Laugh out loud for Eugenia Abu. Bring your friends and family. Date: 20th of October 2012. Time: 2.30-5.30pm. Venue: FCT Archives

The exhibition will be closed by the permanent Secretary Federal Ministry of foreign affairs, Ambassador DR. Martin Uhomoibhi.

Sophia Pam
Head of Strategy

Do Attend!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reggae Party in Abuja - this Saturday

Saturday, 20 October 2012 at  22:00pm
Caribbean Food...Reggae Music...ALL NIGHT LONG! This is a ticketed event. Tickets cost N5000 and include all drinks, food and refreshments. For ticket sales please call: 08034495699, 07031891009, or 07064010105. Venue: Somewhere in Abuja...venue to be disclosed 2 days to the event...Text 08034495699 for collection of tickets at 8:00AM to 4.30PM or go to Salamander Cafe for pick up between 6:00PM-8:00PM  this week.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Araism Movement 10 in Abuja, from October 24 to 30, at the Thought Pyramid Gallery

"The 10th edition of the Araism Movement exhibition series titled Araism Movement 10 opens 4 p.m. on Wednesday, October 24, 2012, at the Thought Pyramid Art Gallery, Wuse 2, Abuja. The show features new works by Mufu Onifade (inventor of Araism painting technique and founder of the thriving Araism Movement) and six exponents namely Oludotun Popoola (Secretary of the Movement), Jonathan Ikpoza, Oluwanbe Amodu, Esther Emmanuel Fakunle (the only female member), Bolarinwa Olowo and Jonathan Imafidor (Assistant Secretary of the Movement). The exhibition will run till Tuesday, October 30, 2012.

"The Movement, which was established in 2006, has presented 9 shows between 2006 and 2011 to the public – seven in Lagos and two in Abuja. This 10th edition is the third outing in Abuja and it presents new works - twenty seven in all - in an astonishing variety of themes, sizes and mediums by seven exhibiting artists.

"Like other past shows, Araism Movement 10 is employed to re-launch the phenomenon of ARA (Aesthetically Rich Art) and ara (wonder) to the consciousness of artists, arts writers, art scholars, gallery owners, the arts community and the general public. In recent times, every watcher of unfolding events in contemporary Nigeria cannot overlook or undervalue the emergence and prominence of Araism technique – nay the relatively young Movement. Araism is a creative force of reckoning while the Movement serves as a platform of projection to the technique and its many exponents. By virtue of the consistency of its commemorative group exhibition series, Araism Movement is, arguably, the most consistent art group in Nigeria.

"In 1989, Araism began as a technique invented by Mufu Onifade, who has trained many students from 1990 to date. Each student has also been able to develop his own style, using the technique as a technical base. With the distinguishing element of one style from another, it also became imperative to create a platform on which these various styles of Araism could be projected; and this led to the establishment of Araism Movement, which at the moment, boasts of over 30 members. On the strength of regular appearances at exhibitions, Araism Movement has become one of the leading united groups of artists in the history of contemporary Nigerian Art.

"Mufu Onifade, artist, writer, art critic, thespian and art administrator, trained at The Polytechnic, Ibadan; African Art Museums and Training Institute and Obafem Awolowo Universrty, Ile-Ife. He has trained more than 40 students in Araism painting technique, which he invented. Oludotun Popoola holds National Diploma, Painting & General Arts, from Auchi Polytechnic, and majored in Sculpture at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Jonathan Ikoza hails from Delta State, Nigeria. He obtained his National Diploma in Painting and General Arts and Higher National Diploma in Painting from Auchi Polytechnic. Oluwanbe Amodu joined Ara Studio in 2006 where he trained directly under Mufu Onifade. He finished from Yaba College of Technology. Esther Emmanuel-Fakunle is the first and only exhibited female member of Araism Movement so far. She graduated in Fine and Applied Arts from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife. Bolarinwa Olowo holds Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE), Fine and Applied Arts (Double Major) from the Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka, Lagos. Jonathan Imafidor is from Igarra, Edo State. He obtained B.A. Fine Arts and graduated with a First Class from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife." - From the organisers

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day Four: 7th Spanish Cultural Week - National Day of Spain

His Excellency Álvaro Castillo Aguilar, Ambassador of Spain,
giving a speech and offering a toast

The Embassy of Spain was joined by friends and well-wishers on the occasion of the National Day of Spain on October 11, 2012 (actual date is October 12) at the residence of the Ambassador, His Excellency Álvaro Castillo Aguilar. (CLICK Read more below to view more photos)

His Excellency Álvaro Castillo Aguilar, Ambassador of Spain, 
and other diplomatic staff welcoming guests

A cross-section of the guests

A cross-section of the guests

Members of the Anabel Veloso Dance Group prepare for a

Members of the Anabel Veloso Dance Group entertaining the guests

Members of the Anabel Veloso Dance Group entertaining the guests

Members of the Anabel Veloso Dance Group entertaining the guests

(Top pic) Members of the Anabel Veloso Dance Group pose with His Excellency Álvaro Castillo Aguilar

Members of the Anabel Veloso Dance Group pose with His Excellency Álvaro Castillo Aguilar (4th from left) and
Eva Barta (Cultural Officer, Embassy of Spain), extreme left.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day Three: 7th Spanish Cultural Week - a taste of Spanish wine and cuisine

Since the first day of the on-going Spanish Cultural Week organised by the Embassy of Spain in Abuja, the Zuma Grill restaurant of the Transcorp Hilton Hotel has been serving Spanish dishes (including the world-famous paella) to customers. Yesterday, October 9, a wine tasting event was part of the activities.

For those who are not familiar with Spanish cuisine, here's what wikipedia says: "Paella (Valencian and Spanish) is a Valencian rice dish that originated in its modern form in the mid-19th century near lake Albufera, a lagoon in Valencia, on the east coast of Spain. Many non-Spaniards view paella as Spain's national dish, but most Spaniards consider it to be a regional Valencian dish. Valencians, in turn, regard paella as one of their identifying symbols.

"There are three widely known types of paella: Valencian paella (paella valenciana), seafood paella ( paella de marisco) and mixed paella (paella mixta), but there are many others as well. Valencian paella consists of white rice, green vegetables, meat (rabbit, chicken, duck), land snails, beans and seasoning. Seafood paella replaces meat and snails with seafood and omits beans and green vegetables. Mixed paella is a free-style combination of meat, seafood, vegetables, and sometimes beans. Most paella chefs use calasparra or bomba rice for this dish. Other key ingredients include saffron and olive oil." (Source:

A "preview" of Spanish cuisine at the entrance of the Zuma grill restaurant.

A dish of paella presented by the Embassy of Spain during the
at the Korean Cultural Centre in Abuja
CLICK HERE for more details

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day Two: 7th Spanish Cultural Week, award ceremony of the visual arts competition

The 7th Spanish Cultural Week being organised by the Embassy of Spain  entered into its second day yesterday at the Kaduna Mezzanine Floor of the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, with the awarding of prizes to the winners of a visual arts competition themed SHARING A COMMON HERITAGE. The competition, cum art exhibition, was organised by the Spanish Embassy in collaboration with the National Gallery of Art.

Winners of the competition:
1st Prize - Ibukun Samuel Sondea, for his panting entitled ARA
2nd Prize - Mosdestus Chuks Ukeoma for his work AGONY OF THE MINERS
3rd Prize - Augustina Adebowale for his her work WATCH AND LEARN

The Honourable Minister of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation graced the occasion and presented the grand prize (which includes a trip to Madrid, Spain)  to the winner, Ibukun Samuel Sondea.

TOP PHOTO: The Honourable Minister of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation with
H.E. Ambassador Alvaro Castillo Aguilar. LEFT: The 2nd prize winner receives his
prize. RIGHT: 1st prize winner.

TOP: The 1st prize winner with the Honourable Minister and Spanish Ambassador.
LEFT: The winner with Eva Barta and Mara Simoni of the
 Embassy of Spain (first and second from left) with another guest.
RIGHT: Eva Barta (Cultural Officer, Embassy of Spain) congratulates the winner.

TOP: Ambassador Aguilar being interviewed by the press.
LEFT: The Honourable Minister and the Ambassador with the press.
RIGHT: The organisers and guests.

A cross section of the the guests

Monday, October 8, 2012

Day One - 7th Spanish Cultural Week, an interesting adaptation of a Spanish play

Scenes from the play ELOISE IS UNDER AN ALMOND TREE, a Spanish play
 performed by the Jos Repertory Theatre,
October 8, 2012, at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria

“If you want to be showered with praise, find a way to die” is an interesting piece of advice – and that, according to record, is what’s written on the tomb of the Spanish playwright Enrique Jardiel Poncela, author of a play entitled Eloise Under an Almond Tree, which was performed by the Jos Repertory Theatre (JRT) last night (October 8, 2012) at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, being part of the activities in the 7th Spanish Cultural Week.

As in the past 3 years that I have been watching the annual performance of a Spanish play (adapted into English) by the Jos Repertory Theatre, I can honestly report that the members of the theatre group did not fail to entertain, amuse, and educate the audience last night with their excellent acting and well-delivered dialogues. Big thanks goes to the Embassy of Spain (in Abuja, Nigeria) for sharing with us a glimpse of their rich cultural heritage in the form of a drama.

The Lagos Room of the Transcorp Hilton Hotel was filled with theatre-lovers, and I’m quite sure that many of the audience were those that had watched the JRT in the past and were impressed. Like me, they probably didn’t want to miss this annual cultural treat. Half of the credit for such a marvellous night goes to the Jos Repertory for the first-rate performance while the other half goes to the creator of the drama, Enrique Jardiel Poncela, whose compelling story and likeable characters would make any playwright or storyteller envious.

Scenes from the play ELOISE IS UNDER AN ALMOND TREE, a Spanish play
 performed by the Jos Repertory Theatre,
October 8, 2012, at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria.
BOTTOM RIGHT: A cross section of the guests applaud the performance.

Scenes from the play ELOISE IS UNDER AN ALMOND TREE, a Spanish play
 performed by the Jos Repertory Theatre,
October 8, 2012, at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria

TOP PHOTO: The Ambassador of Spain, H.E. Aguilar, pose with the cast of  the
 play ELOISE IS UNDER AN ALMOND TREE, a Spanish play
 performed by the Jos Repertory Theatre, October 8, 2012, at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria
BOTTOM PHOTOS: Cast members pose with Eva Barta (extreme right on the right photo), Cultural Officer of the
Spanish Embassy in Abuja, and Araceli (second from left, left photo).

The cast


Sunday, October 7, 2012

The 7th Edition of the Spanish Cultural Week starts today, October 8 - complete timetable below

The annual tradition continues as the Embassy of Spain in Nigeria presents the 7th Edition of the Spanish Cultural Week, taking place right here in Abuja on October 8 to 12, 2012, featuring “both the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage of Spain recognised by UNESCO for their universal outstanding value.”

Art, Drama, Flamenco, Wine and Paella are some of the things you wouldn’t want to miss, so scroll down for the complete programme of activities:

Exhibition – 7thEdition of Visual Arts Competition
Kaduna Mezzanine, Transcorp Hilton Hotel
8th-12th October 2012 (the whole day)

Spanish Gastronomic Week
Zuma Grill Restaurant
Transcorp Hilton Hotel
8th-12th October 2012 (the whole day)

Drama – Eloise Under the Almond Tree by Jardiel Poncela
(to be performed by the Jos Repertory Theatre)
Lagos Room, Transcorp Hilton Hotel
MONDAY, 8th October 2012, 6pm

Awards Ceremony – Visual Arts Competition
Kaduna Mezzanine, Transcorp Hilton Hotel
TUESDAY, 9th October 2012,  6.30PM

Wine Tasting (offered by IMPACTO)
(Only for Zuma Grill clients)
Zuma Grill Restaurant, Transcorp Hilton Hotel
WEDNESDAY, 10th October 2012, 6.30PM to 9.00PM

Spanish National Day Celebration
(by invitation)

Flamenco Performance
Poema Sinfonico by the Anabel Veloso Dance Group
Congress Hall, Transcorp Hilton Hotel
FRIDAY, 12th October 2012 at 7.00PM
With Grand Paella after the performance

Friday, October 5, 2012

PHOTOS - Art Teachers Retreat organised by Art Scout at Olumo Rock Complex, Abeokuta

From 9AM to 4PM everyday on August 27 to August 31, 2012, more than 50 art teachers gathered at the Olumo Rock Complex in Abeokuta, Ogun State, for an event called ART TEACHERS RETREAT.

“The art retreat cum exhibition,” according to the organisers (ART SCOUT and ART AND SOULS STUDIO), “was meant to expose the art teachers to new concept and ideas, sharpen their skills and improve on their artistic practice and teaching with the aim of encouraging art participation and enrolment in Nigerian schools. It is an exchange platform for art teachers to interact with practicing professionals in the field of art and to share ideas, new artistic techniques, media and styles.”

The retreat was held in collaboration with OLUMO ROCK TOURIST COMPLEX and supported by the FINE AND APPLIED DEPARTMENT, FCE, ABEOKUTA.

The following photos, courtesy of ART SCOUT and ART AND SOULS STUDIO, were taken at the 5-day event. 

For more details and photos of the Art Teachers Retreat, visit

To view more photos click Read more below...