Saturday, January 12, 2013

Editor's Note: Back in Abuja after the holidays

The Editor of Inside Track Abuja, Araceli Aipoh,
left, with some friends while on holiday in
Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
I can’t remember who it was who asked me “Are you not afraid?” when I mentioned that I was travelling to Benin City, Edo State, for my Christmas and New Year holidays. The question is somehow justified considering that Edo State is part of a volatile region where many stories of kidnappings and conflicts have emerged in the past several years - and these have made not just Edo State but the whole Niger Delta region 'unsafe.'  In any case, I replied “No” to the question and I meant it.

From Abuja, it takes only 40 minutes to get to Benin City by air. Getting there, one can see that the city – known in the country as THE HEARTBEAT OF THE NATION and one of the most ancient cities in Africa – is going through visible transformations. Many of the major roads have been repaired and the airport has been renovated. Some relatively fancy hotels have sprung up as well as other new business establishments.

Staying in Benin City for two weeks, I never felt more peaceful. I was indoors most of the time, but that was largely due to my desire to laze around the house during my vacation and not because I was afraid to venture out. I went to the market, went to at least one shopping mall, I also heard Masses at a Catholic church where everyone practically knows everyone. And while inside the church I thought about how happy the people looked and how they, I think, are the most peaceful-loving people in the country.

Of course, many parts of Benin City are still dusty and many roads are badly in need of rehabilitation, but I believe the young people who choose to stay and make a living in the city have a bright future for as long as they are ready to embrace progress and create room for innovation and positive changes.

And now I am back in Abuja. This is the part of the year where we Abujans have to stay indoors as much a possible because of the harmattan season – which brings dryness, colds, and dust! On the positive side, many fruits are in season and no one could be happier than I am because I have decided, as part of my New Year’s resolution, to be more serious with my eat-only-healthy-foods diet. This means less of processed foods and more of natural foods, more of eating well and less of eating anyhow. So while passing through the Utako market yesterday, I was delighted to see baskets upon baskets of bright yellow oranges because these are my favourites. Fresh-looking pineapples, watermelons, pawpaws are also in season and should be very affordable at this time. Since these are some of the major fruits in the country, they and are actually available all year round. 

In terms of blogging, I have resolved to make more posts and updates. Personally, there are many great and beautiful things to look forward to this year and the coming years and I wish that this is true not only for me but also for INSIDE TRACK readers and NIGERIA.

Welcome 2013!

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