Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Embassy of Spain celebrates World Book and Copyright Day at the Ambassador's residence

The Embassy of Spain in Nigeria celebrated this year’s World Book and Copyright Day (marked annually at the Spanish Embassy) with a presentation of the book New Trees in an Old Forest by the author, Mr. Jess Castellote, and awarding of prizes to the winners of the Spanish text competition, followed by cocktails. 

The World Book and Copyright Day was held at the Ambassador’s residence on April 23, 2012. 

Joining the Ambassador of Spain, H.E. Álvaro Castillo Aguilar,  Miss Eva Barta Martin (the Cultural Adviser – Embassy of Spain), and Mr. Jess Castellote (a Spanish architect living in Lagos and a blogger,  you can visit him at http://jesscastellote.wordpress.com), were Dr. Olu Ehiz Ayewoh, representing the Federal Ministry of Education; Mr. Joseph Ngu, Director, Regional Representative UNESCO; Mrs. Awofisayo Olufunke, representing the Federal Ministry of Education, and many other distinguished guests.

These photos were taken at the event by INSIDE TRACK ABUJA.

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