Monday, February 21, 2011

40 years of diplomatic relations

To celebrate the 40th year anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Nigeria and China, a show was held in Abuja on February 10 and 11, 2011, featuring the Shanghai Art Troupe who performed various dances, acrobats, and musical numbers using Chinese instruments that truly entertained the audience. The Congress Hall of the Hilton Hotel was filled to capacity on both nights.
Most impressive were the three young acrobats who wowed the crowd. I personally enjoyed watching the Lotus Dance that, according to the programme, “conveys the yearning of a beautiful and unsophisticated young girl with a bright future.”

The current Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Nigeria, His Excellency Deng Boqing, and his wife were among those who watched the performance.

The following photos were taken at the event by Araceli Aipoh.

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