Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spanish ambassador bids Nigeria goodbye


After five years as Ambassador of Spain to Nigeria, His Excellency Angel Losada and his wife, Madam Claire Losada, are leaving the country finally this month. A farewell reception was held at the official residence of the ambassador in Maitama a couple of weeks ago. In a speech during the occasion, Ambassador Losada said he and his wife have truly enjoyed their stay in the country. He said they have made a lot of friends here and were grateful for the cooperation of everyone, particularly their colleagues in the diplomatic community.

Present at the farewell reception were officials from the Nigerian government as well as members of the diplomatic community. The embassy staff and the Spanish community in Abuja took this opportunity to present farewell gifts to the ambassador and his wife.

It shall be noted that for the last five years (beginning in 2006), the Spanish Embassy has been organising the Spanish Cultural Week, which has become a major cultural event in Abuja, and which, according to Ambassador Losada during the 5th edition of the event last October, “provides an opportunity to strengthen the relations between Spain and Nigeria through the cultural diversity of our people.” He said: “We will continue to build bridges between the rich Spanish and Nigerian cultures and by doing so we hope to extend the artistic ties between our two countries.”

These photos were taken at the farewell reception held on January 28, 2011.

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