Friday, April 5, 2013

In Abuja... Lady InspiroLogos launches project and book at the Transcorp Hilton today, April 6

“Not only am I acutely familiar with the physical pain of SCD (Sickle Cell Disease), I also lost my brother to this chronic condition. I am therefore committed to doing everything I can to enlighten the youth of today to make choices that will tomorrow prevent babies yet unborn from walking the painful, perilous path that I and over 5 million other Nigerians have to walk in battling this invalidating, life-long, blood disorder known as sickle cell disease.” 

These are the words of Ms Ifueko Fex Ogbomo, CEO of InspiroLogos World Creative Consult, who is launching her S.S.C.C. PROJECT (Stop the Sickle Cell Cycle) today, 6th April 2013, at the Congress Hall of the Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja. The S.S.C.C. Project says Ms Ogbomo “is a movement for absolute prevention of sickle cell disease in Nigeria... where an average of 416 babies afflicted with SCD are born on a daily basis, making it a national concern,” adding that “The overall goal of the S.S.C.C. Project is to systematically reduce the national burden of SCD, via prevention of future SCD births. To that end, the S.S.C.C Project is targeted at youth who are yet to procreate; educating and encouraging them, via the media, arts and entertainment, to prevent future sickle cell births.”

A bundle of energy
Ms Ogbomo, who also goes by the name Lady InspiroLogos, is a performance poet, voice-artist, author, and speaker. Her repertoire as an artist includes performances at the highest level - in front of President Goodluck Jonathat at the Presidential Flood Relief Fund Raising Dinner at the Villa in November 2012, performance at the 18th National Economic Summit Dinner in Abuja, and at the Bring Back the Book Presidential Campaign Launch in Bayelsa also last year to name only a few. Armed with a B. A. Honours in Music (with a minor in Computer Science) from Texas Lutheran Universitym, USA, Ms Ogbomo “is a prize-winning poet who is best celebrated for her spectacular spoken word performances which are both entertaining and inspiring. Winner of the Young Start Martin Luther King Human Rights writing contest in Nigeria in 2012, she combines her poetic writing and speaking gifts and her love for musical theatre in her original, tailored-for-the-event poetic tributes.”

Author and personal motto
Also to be launched is Ms Ogbomo’s autobiographical book Yellow Eyes Gone White! An Inspiring Journey of Triumph Over Sickle Cell Disease, published by Dorrance Publishing Co. USA, which “holds many insights on prevention, care and management of SCD, while carrying the reader on a journey through the eyes of a survivor of SCD.” Her personal motto ‘I aspire to inspire with words,’ she says, is the inspiration for her self-invented moniker Lady InspiroLogos. For more info about the works of Ms Ogbomo, call her at +234-703 6299 223 or +234-805 4880 395 or visit her website at

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