Monday, August 27, 2012

NETWORKING IN ABUJA: The clubs and associations - an update on the ABUJA HOUSE HASH HARRIERS

One of the things newcomers in Abuja would like to find out as soon as they have settled down in their new homes and at their places of work is how they can meet like-minded people with whom they can spend an hour or two each week or month... for relaxation, for information, for a drink, and many other reasons.

Beginning today onwards I am going to write a few notes about the different associations and social groups here in Abuja, many of which are quite active and boast of international memberships.

I would like to start off with the ABUJA HOUSE HASH HARRIERS (photos below), because one of their members, Shaun, has kindly called my attention to the "new meeting details, which is every second Saturday at 3pm at Durban Park Abuja. Cost is N1000 for the hash and N2000 for Chop (dinner) afterwards." 

For those who are not familiar with the group, here's what the group says about themselves:

"Hashing is a state of mind - a friendship of kindred spirits joined together for the sole purpose of reliving their fraternity days, releasing the tensions of everyday life, and generally, acting a fool amongst others who will not judge you or measure you by anything more than your sense of humour." (by Stray Dog on

"Every other Saturday, a group of 70 to 90 avid runners and leisurely walkers alike convene to explore the countryside around Abuja. The walk, accessible to all - from elders to kids - is around 4 to 6 km while the run is around double that distance with a drink stop along the way. Earlier in the day, a group of 'Hares' have set the trails in some nice spots near Abuja with great scenery. So, the Hashers' objective is to find the true course and to be 'On On'.

"After the run/walk, Hashers gather in a circle to welcome newcomers, to send off leavers and to honour each other for any number of reasons by giving them 'down downs' - this is chugging a beer, traditionally, soft drinks for those choosing. While the run/walk is completely family-friendly, humour in the circle can get slightly saucy (mostly a lot of double entendre ... though from time to time people have been known to drink out of their shoes.) A good sense of humour is a must! 

"After the run, for those willing, there is a "chop" - dinner at a local establishment.

"So, the Abuja Hash is not a sport club or a drinking club: don't come just for the run or just for the beer. The Hash is frequently described as 'A drinking club with a running problem'. It's a good way of combining leisure sport with friendly socialising; an opportunity to meet people from different nationalities, background and professions, to socialise around a drink after the sweat and to share a meal for those willing."


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