Saturday, December 10, 2011

Abuja International Women's Club: Cookie Exchange and Christmas Bazaar 2011

The Abuja International Women’s Club (AIWC) is organizing a COOKIE EXCHANGE AND CHRISTMAS BAZAAR on Thursday, 15th December 2011 at 10am, in Asokoro. For directions on the exact address and if you would like to sell something at the bazaar or know somebody who has nice thing to sell, please contact Petra at or call 07064324048. 

Abuja International Women’s Club is a non-political, non-religious, non- profit making organisation established for women from the international and local community residing in and around Abuja. The main purpose of the club is to promote friendship and understanding amongst women of diverse nationalities by organising social, recreational and humanitarian activities. For further information email 

How to Become a Member 
Ladies from all nations, including Nigeria, who are living in Abuja can be a member of Abuja International Women’s Club. For information, send an e-mail to You can become a member by joining one of their social events where you put down your name, address, phone-number and e-mail-address and pay the membership fee which is Naira 5,000 for one year. (When you join from January 1 you pay Naira 3,000 for the rest of the year.)

Members of the Executive Committee, Abuja International Women's Club,
during their monthly lunch on September 27, 2011; at The Clubhouse, Tak Life Camp, Gwarimpa.
Photo by Araceli

Abuja International Women's Club at their monthly lunch, held on September 27, 2011
at The Clubhouse, Tak Life Camp, Gwarinpa, Abuja.
Photo by Araceli

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