Monday, September 26, 2011

Computer Centre Officially Opened at the School for the Blind, Jabi

A centre with computers installed with special software for blind users was officially opened on July 15, 2011, at the School for the Blind, in Jabi. Working to make this project happen are members of the Abuja branch of NIGERWIVES NIGERIA, LIKEMINDS PROJECT, and PUSONG PINOY ASSOCIA-TION. The centre was opened by Mrs. Fely Ramos, Consular and Cultural Officer, Embassy of the Philippines, who represented the Philippine Ambassador. NIGERWIVES NIGERIA is an association of foreign women married to Nigerian citizens. They are into various activities that aim for the smooth integration of their members into the Nigerian society. Also involved in charity works, Nigerwives produce Braille textbooks for blind students across the coun try. LIKEMINDS PROJECT is an Abuja-based non-governmental organization. PUSONG PINOY (which means Heart of a Filipino) is a duly registered association of Filipinos in Abuja. It made a cash donation to purchase some of the computers for the centre during the tenure of its past president, Grace Abrazado.

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