Sunday, June 27, 2010

Spanish Songs Concert

A Spanish Songs Concert was held at the residence of the
Ambassador of Spain on Tuesday night, June 15, 2010.
Photos by Araceli Aipoh

A very private CONCERT of Spanish songs followed by a BUFFET DINNER took place at the residence of the Ambassador of Spain, H.E. ANGEL LOSADA and MRS. LOSADA, on Tuesday, June 15, 2010, to mark the Closing of the Spanish Presidency of the EU. Spanish guitarist TERESA FOLGUEIRA and vocalist MARINA BOLLAIN flew into Abuja the previous day to make the performance. Their repertoire included songs composed by Manuel de Falla and Federico Garcia Lorca.  According to EVA BARTA MARTIN, Cultural Officer of the Embassy, the duo were leaving the next day to give performances in other countries.

According to Wikipedia: "Presidency of the Council of the European Union is the responsibility for the functioning of the Council of the European Union that rotates between the member states of the European Union (EU) every six months. The presidency is not a single president but rather the task is undertaken by a national government. Three successive presidencies, known as presidency trios, cooperate to provide additional continuity by sharing common political programmes. The current trio consists of Spain, Belgium and Hungary." Read more at

The following photos were taken by INSIDE TRACK MAGAZINE:

Teresa Folgueira (guitar) and  Marina Bollain

Ambassador Losada with the press

Members of the Diplomatic Corps

A cross-section of the guests

Members of the diplomatic community applaud
after a great performance

Ambassador Losada with Teresa and Marina

Ambassador of Japan and his wife with other Ambassadors

The wives of the Ambassadors of Germany and Cuba

Eva, Teresa, Marina and Ambassador Losada

Ladies from the diplomatic community

Mrs. Losada, left, with a friend

by Araceli Aipoh

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