Sunday, June 20, 2010

Inside Track...Philippine Independence Day 2010


Members of FILIPINO COMMUNITY IN ABUJA celebrated the
112th Anniversary of the proclamation of Philippine indepence
on June 12, 2010, at the Embassy premises in Maitama
Abuja. The low-key celebration started off with
a Mass, followed by a flag-raising, and a
 light breakfast.
Photos by Araceli Aipoh

The Filipino Community in Abuja, led by the Charge d' Affaires of the Embassy of the Philippines, Mr. Alex Lamadrid,  held a low-key ceremony to commemorate the 112th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence at the embassy premises on Saturday morning, June 12, 2010.

The day started off with a Mass at the Apostolic Nunciature, followed by a flag-raising ceremony, and a simple breakfast. The Ambassadors of Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand, as well as the Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of France, graced the occasion.


Members of the Diplomatic Corps in Abuja attend
the flag-raising ceremony to commemorate
the 112th Anniversary of Philippine Independence.

The Ambassadors of Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia (left)
with the First Secretary of the Embassy of the
Philippines (right).


Filipinos recite the pledge of allegiance

The Charge d' Affaires of the Embassy of the
Philippines, Mr. Alex Lamadrid (middle with
dark glasses), with members of the Filipino
community and guests from the diplomatic community.

Mr. Alex Lamadrid of the Embassy of the Philippines, with
members of the diplomatic community, at the
112th Anniversary of the Philippine Independece Day,
Maitama, Abuja

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