Sunday, March 7, 2010

Michela Wrong in Abuja


British writer Michela Wrong was in Abuja last Friday, 5th March 2010, to talk about her latest book It's Our Turn to Eat: The Story of a Kenyan Whistle-Blower. Hosted by the Abuja Literary Society and the Association of Nigerian Authors, the event took place at the Nasarawa Hall, Transcorp Hilton Hotel.

Ms Wrong is also the author of two other books, In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz and I Didn't Do it For You. She mingled with the guests and signed copies of her books after the talk.

Asked by Akinwale Aborisade of The Punch Newspaper on why all her three books are all about Africa, Ms Wrong says:

"It was just a job. I don‘t have an African family. My parents didn‘t grow up in Africa; I didn‘t have property in Africa. I was a Reuters correspondent and I got several postings. Reuters correspondents are like diplomats. They travel around. I started off in Italy, I went to France and then to Ivory Coast. That was my first African experience and I became so interested and I continued to work more and more in Africa. No particular reason really..."

Read the rest of the Interview here.

These photos were take at the Hilton by Inside Track:

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