Sunday, November 8, 2009

Painting Exhibition at the Embassy of Italy


To celebrate the ITALIAN LANGUAGE WEEK this year, the Embassy of Italy held a painting exhibition on Thursday, the 5th of November at the Italian Residence, Aso Drive, Maitama. Featured artists were Italian artists Mino Delle Site and Franco D' Anna. Delle Site, whose paintings were virtually exhibited, is described as a futurist aeropainter. In the 1950s Delle Site worked on billboards for tourism which won many national and international awards. Franco D' Anna on the other hand, who uses watercolour, has taken part in exhibitions in Italy, France and Brazil. He currently works at the Italian Embassy in Abuja, where "he has found new nourishment for his paintings which try to capture the magic of Africa's nature and colours."

Photos above were taken at the exhibition.


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