Sunday, September 23, 2012

Stage play in Abuja - coming your way on the 8th of October 2012

The Embassy of Spain presents the Jos Repertory Theatre in Enrique Jardiel Poncela’s Eloise is Under an Almond Tree, as part of the 7th Spanish Cultural Week.  

Venue: Lagos Hall, Transcorp Hilton Hotel @ 6.00pm.

Below are some of the pics taken during the 6th Spanish Cultural Week in Abuja...

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6th Spanish Cultural Week - a short commentary

The Embassy of Spain in Abuja (Nigeria), the Jos Repertory Theatre, and their collaborators and sponsors did not disappoint us last night (October 10, 2011) as they delivered one of the activities lined up for the 6th Spanish Cultural Week - a drama entitled Sublime Decision! by the Spanish playwright Miguel Mihura and acted by the Jos Repertory Theatre; held at the Yar' Adua Centre.

Sublime Decision! is a play in three acts that deals with the emancipation of women at the end of the XIXth century. It depicts a segment in the life of Florita and her family as they search for suitable suitors (for Florita and her sister) - a seemingly innocent endeavour but is actually fraught with tension, frustration, and all manners of pretensions. Unable to get a suitable suitor, Florita decides to get a job and the office where she is hired is turned upside down!

The superb acting, combined with witty and hilarious dialogues, kept the audience entertained for close to an hour. 

The following photos were taken at the event.

Introducing the cast

(Click on the Read more below to VIEW MORE PHOTOS )

The maid faints after several hours in the cold - a scene from the play Sublime Decision!

Florita's first day at work - a scene from the play Sublime Decision!

The audience

A round of applause for the superb performance

More applause

The Ambassador of Spain, H.E. Alvaro Castillo Aguilar

A short remarks by the artistic director of the Jos Repertory Theatre

Mara (right) and colleague, of the Spanish Embassy

Ambassador Aguilar with some of the cast

The cast with the Catholic Archbishop of Abuja and Ambassador Aguilar

Some members of the cast

A young fan requests for autograph

Angelo Fanutti, middle, of the Italian Embassy with other guests

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