Friday, May 24, 2013

Visiting the National Children's Park and Zoo Abuja

For lack of tourist attractions in Abuja, one will have to do with what's available, such as the National Children's Park and Zoo. One should not expect too much however as there are no more than a dozen types of animals (or maybe two) at the zoo. And worse, they are unkempt. The areas where are the monkeys are stink... and the animals look miserable and unhappy. To have a zoo, I believe one does not have to keep exotic animals.... ordinary animals will do where children can have a close look. Anyway, we were allowed to feed some of the monkeys with veggies and corn provided by one of the attendants. It meant touching some of them, and later, at the children's playground, also touching the swing... which meant we needed to wash our hands. There was a tap at the entrance... but we were told there was no water and we should use the water in one of the drums. We passed.    

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