Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Italian historical landscapes photo exhibition - May 27 to June 2, 2013, at the Hilton Hotel

The opening ceremony of a photo exhibition tagged Italian Historical Landscapes took place on 27th May 2013 at the lobby of the Transcorp Hilton Hotel. The exhibition was conceived as part of the 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy ( proclaimed on 17th March 1861) and the celebrations marking the 67th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Italy (established on 2nd June 1946).

In his speech during the occasion, the Ambassador of Italy to Nigeria, His Excellency Roberto Colamine, said the exhibition “represents high resolution photographs of typical Italian countryside landscapes and has been organised in Abuja with the sponsorship of the TEAM Group and the assistance of Transcorp Hilton Abuja.”

In addition, Ambassador Colamine said:

“The project is a result of a researched financed by the Italian Ministy of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Polices, with the patronage of the Italian Ministy of Culture, of the UNESCO World Heritage Center, and of the Council of Europe.
“It aims to highlight the harmonious relationship between the contemporary rural economic activities, the traditional countryside culture and architecture and the natural environment. 
“It offers an occasion for a reflection on the subject of the human interaction with nature, between the necessities of the rural economy and the need to protect the environment. It highlights the possibility to conduct human activities in the countryside, while at the same time, taking care of the environment.
“In different words, this exhibition stresses the need for sustainable rural economic activities, not only from the moral point of view – often stressed in the “conservationist” narrative of the protection of the environment – but also from a purely economic perspective, because only an approach respectful of the environment can assure that it remains a perpetual source of livelihood.
“With the occasion and with regards to the centrality of rural economy, I wish to recall that the Universal Expo 2015 will take place in Milan on the theme “Feeding the Planet Energy for Life.” Nigeria, whose agricultural sector is the focus of a renewed attention, has recently appointed its commissioner for the Expo, who has recently joined preparatory event in Milan.
“I therefore sincerely hope that you will appreciate this exhibition, for its intent to highlight the human activities in our rural landscape and for the astonishing beauty that has been maintained in our countryside and environment.”

Mr. Filippo Macchioni, Executive Director of
TEAM Nigeria and H.E. Roberto Colamine
Ambassador of 
To conclude, H.E. Colamine extended to the Italian and Nigerian citizens and to the members of the international community in Abuja the greetings from the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Her Excellency Emma Bonino. He also called attention to the foreword to the exhibition by the President of the Republic of Italy, His Excellency Giorgio Napolito. The event was attended by the Executive Director of TEAM Group, Mr. Filippo Macchioni.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

In Abuja.... Pottery Sales and Exhibition on June 2

A pottery sales and exhibition is taking place on Sunday, 2nd June 2013, at the Beacon Suites, Maitama, Abuja. The exhibition aims to highlight the works of women from the Bill Clinton Pottery Village. For more details: 070 2634 9852 or 070 4391 9150. Or email:

The French School of Abuja is organizing a big bazzar on Saturday 1st of June 2013 from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm on the school premises in Durumi district, after Prince and Princess Estate II, Abuja.

You may wish to sell your affairs, your arts or food specialities. The school therefore proposes tables at a price of 3000 Naira each. You can now rent them.

On the occasion of this wonderful day, the school also organizes a great raffle draw with exceptional prices.
Tombola tickets are for sale through the students or teachers or the day itself.

If you would need more information or would like to book a table, kindly contact Victoria 0803 590 59 46 or Barabara 0816 600 94 28.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Visiting the National Children's Park and Zoo Abuja

For lack of tourist attractions in Abuja, one will have to do with what's available, such as the National Children's Park and Zoo. One should not expect too much however as there are no more than a dozen types of animals (or maybe two) at the zoo. And worse, they are unkempt. The areas where are the monkeys are stink... and the animals look miserable and unhappy. To have a zoo, I believe one does not have to keep exotic animals.... ordinary animals will do where children can have a close look. Anyway, we were allowed to feed some of the monkeys with veggies and corn provided by one of the attendants. It meant touching some of them, and later, at the children's playground, also touching the swing... which meant we needed to wash our hands. There was a tap at the entrance... but we were told there was no water and we should use the water in one of the drums. We passed.    

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Diplomatic magazine launched at the Embassy of the Philippines

The Ambassador of the Philippines to Nigeria, H. E. Alex V. Lamadrid, 6th from left, receives a
copy of DIPLOMATS EXTRA from the publisher, Raphael Oni. They are flanked by
members of the press and staff of the embassy, Nadj Mangondaya (4th from left),
Fely Ramos (7th) and Clifford Legal (far right)

The Embassy of the Philippines in Nigeria (Maitama, Abuja) was the venue for the launching of a magazine with a focus on the diplomatic scene in the country, on the 21st of March 2013. Called the DIPLOMATS EXTRA, the monthly magazine is published by Raphael Oni. 

About a hundred guests from the diplomatic corps in Abuja attended the event, along with guests from the government and private sector. Guests of Honour included H.E. Alex V. Lamadrid, Ambassador of the Philippines to Nigeria; Hon. Ibrahim Bello (Member of the National Assembly); and Senator Enyinaya Abaribe.

Launching of the DIPLOMATS EXTRA magazine at the Philippine Embassy
on April 21, 2013.

Guests and members of the diplomatic corps in Abuja

Guests and members of the diplomatic corps

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Yasmin El-Rufai Literary Evening and Lecture

Top right: Hadiza El-Rufai (middle) with friends.
Bottom left: Nasir El-Rufai and Hakeem Belo-Osagie with a guest
Right: Hakeem Belo-Osagie talks to NTA.

Got an invitation to the Yasmin El-Rufai Creative Writing Workshop's Literary Evening and Lecture on the 4th of May 2013 at the Merit House here in Abuja.  On the same day there was a party organised by the Filipino community in Abuja which took place at my residence - which means I had to apologise to the guests that I had to leave and head for Maitama -- and made it just in time to hear Eugenia Abu's lecture on the literary experience, followed by a short speech by the mother of the late Yasmin El-Rufai who read an essay she wrote about her daughter. 

"Yasmin," she said "was more than a daughter to me in that last year I spent with her. She became my friend. She was involved with everything I did. She got to know many of my course mates. She attended our readings and other activities. She critiqued my writing, and what a wonderful critic she was. Every time she looked at my work she made it better." (You may read the whole essay HERE).

The event, which was under the chairmanship of Hakeem Belo-Osagie, was organised by Tunji Ajibade's outfit called Exodus For Art. 

Read a report about the literary evening by Sueddie Agema HERE.