Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cocktails - Opening of European Film Festival

Message from His Excellency Ambassador David MacRae
Head of the EU Delegation to Nigeria and Ecowas

Dear Cinema lovers,

The Delegation of the European Union to Nigeria, the Embassies of the European Union Member States and the Embassy of Switzerland have the pleasure to present the 2011 edition of the European Film Festival in Abuja. The 2011 Film Festival is part of our activities to mark Europe Day.

This is the fourth Film Festival that we organise in a row. We are encouraged by the success of the previous editions and we are convinced that this year’s will be even more entertaining. We are pleased to bring a superb line-up of European films to the Nigerian audience.

Cinema is an important expression of culture both in Nigeria and Europe. We look forward to sharing with the Nigerian public the variety, richness and potential of European cinematic art. We hope you will enjoy these movies and that you will appreciate the diversity of the European film industry.

We are convinced that this festival is an excellent platform to share values and build bridge and mutual understanding.

- Ambassador David MacRae
  Head of the EU Delegation to Nigeria and Ecowas

(Culled from the 2011 European Film Festival brochure)

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