Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5th Spanish Cultural Week - Day 3

THE PLAY: La Vida Es Sueno (Life is a Dream) was written in 1635, during the Spanish Golden Century.. The central argument is the dichotomy between free will and fate.

THE AUTHOR: Calderon de la Barca was one of the most excellent Spanish playwrights during the Spanish Golden Century. Educated at the Jesuit College in Madrid, he studied Law and was recognized as the foremost dramatist of the age.

THE JOS REPERTORY THEATRE was founded in November 1997 but commenced program implementation in 2000 as an independent theatre organization based in the ancient tin mining city of Jos, Plateau State. It has taken part in theatre-related activities in Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, South Africa, Kenya, Italy, the USA, and the United Kingdom.

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