Saturday, May 8, 2010

Letter to Inside Track


Date: Saturday, May 8, 2010, 10:34 AM

Subject: Advices for settling a family with young child in Abuja

Dear Inside Track's Staff,

I am an Italian Engineer who received a job proposal based in abuja from a Nigerian Company. My wife and I are now evaluating to move there and trying to get as much information as possible about Abuja's life. It is actually not easy to get in touch with families already settled in Abuja as we would get info and experiences outside the channels or people of the company offering me the job.

Since we are having our first kid in September we would like to have some advices if it would be safe, from the health point of view, move the kid there. The idea is to start my job through the end of this year and let my whole brand new family joining me after a few months (let's say 4 to 6) the baby is due. In this period I will have the chance to travel to Italy (Milan) regularly.

The real question is if the malaria risk as any other serious illness risks exist for the kid. Is it possible to settle a new family life there with a few months child? What would you suggest in such a situation like ours?

We thank you so much for the help you would give us.



Dear A.S.

Thank you for your email.

Please note that there are many fictitious companies offering fantastic salaries and benefits in the country, but one way to test it is if you are requested to send money for the processing of your work permits, housing, etc. If this is the case, then we advise you, first of all to check very well the existence of the company offering you a job as they may not exist. You may do this with your Embassy here in Abuja.

Once you have made the necessary investigations and have verified that the job offer is genuine and legitimate, your idea of coming here first to be joined by your family later is good, at least to see for yourself how life is here in Abuja, especially for a young family like yours. There are many young expatriate families here in Abuja with months-old babies.
We would be happy to help to answer some more of your questions.

The Inside Track Team 

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