Sunday, February 14, 2010

Some like it rough and rocky

The Abuja Hash House Harriers is one of the several fitness/social groups currently existing in Abuja.

"Hash House Harriers," according one of the members, "is a drinking club with a running problem. It is social group that likes to exercise and have a little fun. Hashes are run/walks through interesting terrain, silly traditions, plenty of beer and a place to let your hair down a bit and not take yourself seriously."

Curious about this group, Inside Track joined the members on Saturday, the 6th of February, at the Hilton Hotel parking lot where they usually gather before embarking on a walk/run around a designated place in Abuja...Click on pics to enlarge.

Members of the Abuja Hash House Harriers gather at the Hilton parking lot

Hashers like it rough and rocky...

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