Sunday, November 9, 2008


Grab your share of the market this 2009!

Networking to Make Your Business Grow
It’s not ‘who you know’, it’s ‘who knows you.’

In the past, if you wanted to get a job, secure a contract, have your cause supported, get invited to posh gatherings and things like that, it was a clear case of “whom you know.” These days, however, the rules have been changed, or at least they have been re-phrased: it’s clearly now a case of “who knows you?” In other words, you may know who the consumer is, but does the consumer know you? If you want to get ahead of the pack, especially if you are an entrepreneur, you have to face that question sooner or later and deal with it. With too many people seeking attention, looking for jobs, offering a million different kinds of goods and services, the lucky ones are those who have made a mark, showcased their goods, demonstrated their skills, impressed someone enough to make him or her give you a phone call so that they could try your products. So how many people actually know you? How many people really know your business?

If you have not been doing your own quota of networking activities lately ( introducing yourself and your company to one creature or another), then chances are great that you cannot answer those questions. And if only a few people know you, then you are not aware of the power of networking as a way of building up a business. Forget about giant billboards and flashy neon lights to make a name – those are for mega-rich companies only. But if you are working on a limited budget, or you just want to let people know you could provide specialized skills and services, then your best bet is a sound networking strategy, the one-to-one kind. Ignore that and you will remain where you are. You remain non-existent while others, your competitors, are not only all over the place but are also flying high. And it’s not like you see their full-page adverts in the dailies, because who can really afford that when you are just starting out? The truth is that, more often than not, they have developed the art of networking, and have used it to their advantage.

Networking – which is another word for establishing contacts and finding potential customers (some people call it ‘blowing your own horn’) is a non-negotiable prerequisite to any form of marketing for all business owners. To get the most of networking, here are some tips we would like to share with you:

One: The sooner you network, the better. If you want to be known in a couple of months, it’s probably too late for you to do any networking at this time. But if you want to be known in a couple of years, you still have a chance to make it – get into some serious networking activities now.

Two: You establish contact when you meet people, not when you need them. Whoever said that nobody likes being used or manipulated was saying the truth. People will know from a mile away when you call them just because you need something, or worse, you need to sell something or ask for a favour.

Three: Take advantage of the ‘I know someone who knows someone’ rule. If you are a fashion designer, for instance, it’s not enough that your aunt knows you can make exquisite clothes. Her friends and their friends will have to know it, too. Her sister-in-law’s cousin’s husband’s colleague who was at the wedding of another friend’s friend five years ago (if you get the drift) should also know it too.

Four: Be nice to everyone. You can’t grow a business with a few relatives, especially if you are not in good terms with some of them. That’s why they say it’s good to be nice to your in-laws, or to everyone for that matter – because you’ll never know when you need them. Remember that many small businesses thrive on referrals or word of mouth. Who will refer you or patronize you if you are such a grumpy one? Or worse, you are reclusive and invisible?

Five: Know the rules by heart. When it comes to effective networking, as in anywhere, there are certain things you have to know. There are networking tips: “Don’t wait for the opportunity, create it.” “Have your materials – business card and brochures – handy.” There are the DO’s: “Do exude confidence.” “Do make an effort to be easy to work with.” And DON’TS: “Don’t be pompous.” “Don’t monopolize conversations.”

Six: Be very familiar with every networking etiquette available on the planet. Whether you are at parties, dinners, cocktails, seminars, you should know how to behave accordingly. And it goes the same way with people. Know those who can take a joke or not. Know those who wouldn’t mind an unexpected visit or those who demand for a prior phone call before you show up. Understand the background or culture of the person or company you are dealing with.



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